Wednesday, 19 December 2007

Camborne Christmas Lights

It is now only 6 days to Christmas and already there seems to be a problem with the Camborne Christmas lights. The grand 'turning on' ceremony seemed well supported and I had hopes that this year the displays would manage to stay alight until the big day. Unfortunately this is not to be.

A few weeks ago I had the good fortune to spend a few days on the island of Madeira, a Portugese island where Christmas is celebrated with a vengence and the multi-coloured light displays take centre stage. The capital city Funchal is a blaze of fabulous designs and patterns from the 1st December through to the New Year. The locals are immensely proud of their stunning displays and each evening take time to stroll around the town in family groups to spot new additions. Civic pride draws this community together.

I realise that Camborne could not hope to compete with Madeira, after all the Madeiran government pays for the island lights, but I have to admit my disappointment that Camborne can't keep all its lights glowing - at least until 25th - please.


Andy K said...

Well Yes, Lets hope the lights stay on and UP! In Truro I believe they fall down occasionally !! If any body has any photo's or movies of this years lights send me a link to them or emil them in to me at
Thanks great post Fiona, keep up the good work

Andy K said...

Just found a video of the Camborne xmas lights here thanks to "bigwallypants" on YouTube