Saturday, 26 January 2008

Camborne Town Council

The other evening I decided to sit in on a town council meeting. It started promptly at 7.30pm but although due to end around 9.30pm it overran by one hour. The knock on effect of this was that discussion on the 12th (and last)item on the agenda had to be postponed. Unfortunately the 12th item was, in my opinion, extremely important and should have been nearer the top of the agenda. So what was item 12? Only a discussion to construct the town council's response on Cornwall County Fire Brigade IRMP Service Plan 2008/9!

For those who are wondering the IRMP Service Plan 2008/9 is the 'Paper' on the Fire Brigade Integrated Risk Management Plan - all about improving public safety and reducing the number of fire incidents and saving lives. The aim of this plan is to ensure effective use of resources that deal with the daily risks to our lives. At present the plan is in the consultation phase, hence an opinion on the Brigades specific objectives proposed for 2008/9 were being sought. What is more, four of the proposals in this plan could potentially effect how the Fire Brigade delivers its service.

See here for more details:

Of course we all know meetings can be difficult to control, difficult to keep on track, to stick to the agenda and be time aware. In this instance the culprit was item 6 - A long drawn out presentation and 'hot' debate on the nearly finished Camborne granite paving refurbishments, plus, the proposed erection of the new £17,000 Richard Trevithick statue at the top of Camborne Hill, all of which the Town Council had previously voted (in favour) on. This should have been cut short, or better still, swopped - not given preference to a discussion around the fire service.

Mind you the discussion on RT's statue had its comic moments, not least of which was when a Councillor (whose blushes I'll spare and not name) stood up and told the room that RT would be offended by this statue as it appears to be based on the popular song "Camborne Hill." Apparently the 4th verse of this song is demeaning to the ladies of Camborne. Really?

The Town Council holds its full council meetings on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month at the Magistrates Court, Basset Road, Camborne. 7.30pm start. It's a shame that more members of the Camborne public don't attend to listen to their councillors at work on their behalf.

1 comment:

Andy K said...

Thanks Fiona great to hear of your attendance, I have also had the pleasure of attending a couple of meetings and have found it a fascinating experience.
Seeing Local government in action makes me wonder why more Camborne residents don't attend.
I predict though that there will be more interest with the forthcoming changes and expansion of the Town Council due in the coming year ahead.
I was interested to hear of the non PC lyrics to Camborne Hill and looked them up here
!! yes very debauched and I suppose derogatory !, certainly evidence of a ribald Camborne community !!!
Great contribution thanks