Monday, 18 February 2008

Camborne Graffiti Project

At this weeks Town Council meeting I heard about a worthwhile graffiti project that is currently taking place in the Camborne area. PCSO's Mike Kearon and Becky Di Quirico have started the 'Together Against Graffiti Project.'

The aim of this project is to clean up unsightly graffiti, and the PCSO's aided by 25 young volunteers from Camborne, are doing exactly that. To date areas that have been cleaned are, the changing rooms on the Old School of Mines Rugby Ground (used by Storm Football Club) and a start has been made on the graffiti at the Elim Centre plus in the pipeline is graffit on Pengegon Bridge. This is a great project - giving youngsters pride in the area they live in - and we should all be supportive of ideas such as these, especially when youngsters are engaged in this way.

I understand that the project organisers are looking to erect a graffiti 'Free Wall' at Tuckingmill Valley Park in the skateboard area. To assist with the finance of this they are looking to the Town Council for support, and of course to the local councillors. We should all be voting for this one by contacting our local councillors to make sure they too are on board with the project. Your local councillors can be contacted here.


Andy K said...

Another great Post. There are certainly some examples of graffiti that can be called "Street Art" and the project is a great way of encouraging this sort of creativity by demonstrating how much better it can be in the right setting, showing how far this is from graffiti as vandalism. I am looking at how to create a page on the Councils website which would allow Browsers to register their support for projects online with a voting form and a current results table. Ensuring that voters only vote once may mean asking users to register. What do You think any good ?

Anonymous said...

I think that is a great idea. I'm sure voters who are genuine will not mind registering and then the town would be properly able to assess whether their is support for a project.

Anonymous said...

I do realise that this subject is nearly 9 years old and that the likely-hood of someone seeing this comment is slim, but wondered if there was any follow on, on the topic of a 'free wall' in the camborne, redruth area?

i have noticed in the last couple of years there has been an increase in tagging around the area and some more graffiti in under passes.

in no way am i advocating graffiti in dangerous, illegal, or places it would look unsightly, nor do i think it will be an instant fix for the local authorities such as councils and police forces are concerned, but it is a pastime of around 5000 years and i don't see it ever dying out.

the use of a 'free wall' in the area has a large potential the reduce the amount that we see on everyday commutes, would free up the police from checking frequented sites that are often dangerous and out of sight, and help young people hone their skills legally without the fear of prosecution or cautions, and with a huge potential to save the council money from the already depleting budget given to them by the government.

to say there is a 'free wall' already would be a stretch, there is, but to travel to newquay from this area would be quite a distance for a young person and the cost of a bus would be extensive.

this has turned into a bit more than i had originally wanted to write, but if someone does see this i think i could be a good start to a discussion.

Andy K said...

Thanks you for your post. Yes its been a long time since anybidy posted on this blog. THeir are many issues still relevant o this blog but as ou may be aware Facebook has dominate dthe Blogosphere in recent years and perhaps it would be a good idea to put a link to this blog on Face book it nay help to revatalise the discussion here !